Loud House, which tells the story of a boy with ten sisters, premiered on Nickelodeon on 2 May. Negative responses encouraged parents to forbid their children from watching the show or said the characters seemed forced. “Thank you Loud House, for these wonderful gay dads,” tweeted another. “The Loud House has an unambiguous gay married couple that isn’t an excuse for a punchline, God bless Nickelodeon,” one user wrote. Judging by responses on Twitter, the reaction to the show’s new characters was overwhelmingly positive. The spokesperson said the episode has already aired “in some US markets (Asia, France, Italy), and this clip among others, as well as screen grabs from the series have been posted by fans around the world”. When reached for comment on the show, a Nickelodeon spokesperson said the network would rather let the episode speak for itself. Time to make history indeed! First married gay couple on a Nickelodeon cartoon! - ㅤ July 16, 2016